EPDM Roofing

EPDM Roofing Contractors in Houston, Texas

EPDM is one of the best roofing systems that are widely used in Houston and throughout Texas. As an incredibly durable synthetic membrane in black and white, many business owners find it suitable for a variety of their needs.  EPDM roofing consists of propylene and ethylene, which are found in oil and natural gas.

EPDM is a tried-and-tested technique that has been popular in the low-slope commercial roofing industry for more than 40 years. Today, it continues to be an appealing choice, which points to its proven usefulness. 

What are the Appealing Features of EPDM Roofing?

The over 40 years of use have demonstrated beyond doubt that the commercial roofing Houston has a long service life. The features that are responsible for the long lifespan are hail resistance, ultraviolet radiation resistance, and flexibility is a lower temperature. Others include:

  • Resistance to cyclical membrane fatigue
  • Resistance to weathering and abrasion
  • Exceptional resistance to extreme fire and heat
  • Thermal shock durability

What’s more, EPDM’s superior resistance to various forms of wind damage is another attribute that has continued to make the roofing technique incredibly desirable. Professional contractors have the expertise and experience to design the roofing system to meet several wind uplift criteria. 

Why EPDM Roofing is Useful in the summer

If you want to reduce your electric energy costs in the summer, white EPDM suits you. It combines high-quality traditional EPDM with the following exceptional attributes:

  • Highly reflective
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Enhanced UV resistance

With these three qualities, white EPDM is designed to reduce your energy needs. It is durable and reflects the sun’s rays, making your commercial facility cool and suitable for storing many types of products when the outside is too hot. Your staff also finds it safe to work in the office. Due to the reflectivity, you need to hire an expert who can install the system using fully adhered or mechanically attached systems. 

If you love EPDM qualities but want a commercial roofing system that ensures your space remains warmer, the black option will meet your needs. In this case, instead of titanium dioxide that reflects light and prevents it from reaching the polymer, carbon black is used. It absorbs UR rays and converts them into heat. This is responsible for the high temperature of commercial facilities when the weather is cold. 

The Easy Installation of EPDM

EPDM always remains stable over a wide range of temperature variations. Due to this, expert roofing contractors can install it regardless of the prevailing weather. If you hire one of the commercial roofing Houston contractors with extensive experience installing these high-value roofing systems, you will save a lot of time. They understand how to work with the ergonomic solutions that EPDM manufacturers are implementing. For example, the manufacturers are creating adhesive application equipment that experts know how to handle with ease during EPDM roofing installation

The Ballasted EPDM System- The ballasted EPDM system accounts for about 35% of EPDM installation in Houston today. The system uses panels that measure up to 50 by 200 feet. This is large enough to provide fast coverage. Contractors know how to lay the panels loose over the insulation and use smooth concrete pavers to hold them. 

It is appropriate for new, large construction projects. But it can also help when your roof replacement or recovery project if the existing structure can support the additional weight. The ballasted system is the easiest to install.

Mechanically Attached System- Experts use narrows panels that are attached in the side laps. They can also use large panels. Depending on the desired outcome, contractors can also use non-reinforced membranes. In this case, the contractor attaches the membrane using batter strips or round plates to the underlying deck. These systems are lightweight and suitable for both small and large commercial buildings.

Fully Adhered System- The panels that are used measure up to 100 feet by 30 feet. It is bonded to the insulation. Mechanical fasteners, plates, and adhesives are used to bond them. Many contractors use the non-reinforced membrane, but scrim-reinforced can also be used. These EPDM roofing installation systems are also lightweight and are suitable for a wide range of geometric configurations and building sizes.

KSI Commercial Roofing Houston is Your EPDM Roof Installer

Here at KSI Commercial Roofing Houston, we have a pool of highly talented commercial roofing contractors specializing in EPDM roofing installation, repair, and maintenance. With the extensive experience of our experts, we can also help you to address any issue about your EPDM roofs. Reach out to us today for free consultation or service.